Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 7 - Audio Keyframe

Week 7 saw students focusing on Audio Keyframes on After effect CS4.

Untitled from Ya-ting Wu on Vimeo.

Students were provided with audio clip, this was than taken and placed onto an image used from previous tutorial tasks. I decided to use jumping girl on the beach as shown on the tutorial task.
However i decided that i didnt want to just use one image, i wanted to use several images of the same girl with the same pose but change the colour setting for each image. Here i used the masking technique and than used colour correction and other different effects for each individual image. I wanted to play around with colour, basically i played around and experimented with the different effects under the colour correction tool.

The outcome for these are seen on the top page- they were just some of my experiments that i played around with. The reason why i wanted to use multiple images of the same girl was because i liked the styles many artists have used for their music video clips.

Music artists
Such as Kanye West his song: "Welcome to heartbreak ft Kid Cudi." Here you see multiple images of Kanye West himself.

(if watching from youtube - watch from timeframe: 0:57 - 1:00 )
here shows an example of what i was referring to, here you see multiple images of his face being incorporated into this music clip and again this is seen during this timeframe: (3:09 - 3:16)

...and bands such as Gorillaz- video clip from their song "Tomorrow Comes today". (watch from youtube link)
These few music artists were my influences and inspired me to slightly change this week's tutorial task and make it alittle bit abstract and similar style to their works.

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