Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 5 - Duck and Cover Audio

Untitled from Ya-ting Wu on Vimeo.

KINETIC TYPOGRAPHY: Duck and Cover Audio.

Week 5 task consists of the following -
- Using Audio in After Effect.
- Text Presets
- 3D cameras

This Week's task was to create an Audio Clip in regards to Duck and Cover- protection when in danger. The Audio clip was supplied to students and than asked to include exact text from the audio clip.
I decided to use Words and some imagery for my animation sequence.
The text is in in Red - which symbolises danger, blood and alert. The text appears to be creepy and scary in the audio just to get the point across that danger is no joking matter and to take serious issues like this, seriously.
More amount of time was spent on this weeks task, although the criteria didnt include imagery i wanted to place images in my after effect audio file to make it interesting and easier to follow rather than just having blank black background with just words following in time with the audio clip. I wanted to change some of the images slightly in my after effect clip, i wanted to make some of the images look more depressing in tune with some of the words heard from the audio. Although some of the images were already grayscale (black and white) i wanted to make it some of them to appear darker here i used the colour correction tool to change it.

Inspirations and links. - Although this Youtube link slightly different to this weeks task i wanted to get across that i thought it was well done the way the words went smoothly and at right pace with the music playing in the background.

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