Monday, September 13, 2010

Animation Motion - Week 6

Week 6 tutorial Graffiti artwork.

This week tutorial task
- find Creative Commons images
- Use After Effect and colour Correct the images
using - Curves to alter and change the shades of grey creating a stencil effect
and Multiply blend mode

The 4 images i selected consisted of
1. Old wise man
2. flower stencil- Original Colour bright red
3. Rat Photographer
4. Asian Boy with glasses
5. Zebra

I wanted to play around and develop my skills in CS4 after effect.
I decided that i didnt just want to use words, graffiti artworks or just human figures i wanted to play around and use different elements.

...I decided not to use the whole image but to crop and cut-out the lady and just use the old guy for my animation piece.

Again i decided to crop parts of this image out and only use certain areas. The image appears to be some sort of advertisment for the brand " The Rent Shop", i decided to remove the whole image and keep the boy this was done by masking on After effect (exact as the old guy image)

The original colour for the flower stencil was actually bright red, i wanted to use this image but change it to greyscale- black and white. I removed the colour by using the colour correction effect on after effect and than using Curves and other effects to change to make it appear greyscale.

I found this image also on flicker and found it really interesting and different.
I like the way the rat was morphed into this human body and thought it would be interesting to use as an image for the wall. Here is the original image and i just masked out certain areas of the image and subtracted certain parts of the images.

final outcome

Inspirations & Personal likes.

i found this youtube link really interesting and in a way corrosponds with this weeks weekly task.

The drawing appearing from the wall could easily be animated by doing similar methods as what i have done with my animation piece.
Masking, feathering and greyscaling an image using different effects on After Effect.

This link -

Would still have to be one of my many favourite animations that i watch over and over again. Again similar effects could be used in this animation piece, with masking and Motion tracker and other types of effects available in after effect.
Personally this was my favourite activity.
The ability to be able to place photographs onto photographs and make them appear graffiti like is amazing and something i would consider using for my final assignment.

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