Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 2 - Temporal and Spartial Montage: Buildings

Untitled from T Wu on Vimeo.

Temporal and Spartial Montage - Buildings

Week 2 task required students to construct a Spatial montaage from supplied materials given to students and than placed them into the desert landscape.

Photoshop and After Effect were 2 programs used for this weekly task. To give basic introduction to Photoshop and After Effect, dealing with concepts like the following.
- Transforms
- Selections
- Masking
- Layering and other methods and techniques. Colour correction and shadows were also experimented during this weeks task.
Images were supplied
- 5 supplied images, 4 buildings from different places and 1 background image to place all the buildings to.

Personally i found this week's task challenging, as it was hard to keep up with the class as i had to get my hand around how to use after effect, i found that if i kept at my own pace i was able to catch up to the workload and felt more relaxed allowing myself time to do complete this week's task. The Camera Shots done through After Effect Cs4 was something really different and i found it quite easy to place the camera view onto After effect and made my little film more interesting. Camera Views are something i would consider using for any creative personal projects i have.

Youtube search group called "3D flythrough for property developers"- Amazing camera view and camera work advertising properties
and Youtube search group called " Yung Design Group Demo Reel 2006"
both these groups have some amazing work done especially the camera view, i personally believe anyways! but check them out.

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