Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 4- Mad Mack

Mad Mack Advertisment. from T Wu on Vimeo.

Mad Mack tutorial

This week's excercise was to create an Advertisment for Mad Mack, selling Toasters, Hair Dyers and Blenders.

I decided to use these 3 images i found online - this task proved to be more difficult as it was harder to find images for these 3 common everyday use utensils.

Mad Mack's 20sec advertisment.
Final outcome was to keep it simple and use 3 main colours
- Red
- Purple
and White.

i kept it these three colours in co-ordination with Mad mack's logo.
At the beginning of the advertisment i went for crazyness and slightly fast animation to show emphasis this. Simple bright red text was use against a black background this allows the viewer to read the text much easily rather than squinting to try read what the words say.

- Crazy Clark Advertisements
i decided to follow Crazy Clarks Ad's and use similar styles for Mad Mack but keeping it original and simplisitic.

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