Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 7 - Audio Keyframe

Week 7 saw students focusing on Audio Keyframes on After effect CS4.

Untitled from Ya-ting Wu on Vimeo.

Students were provided with audio clip, this was than taken and placed onto an image used from previous tutorial tasks. I decided to use jumping girl on the beach as shown on the tutorial task.
However i decided that i didnt want to just use one image, i wanted to use several images of the same girl with the same pose but change the colour setting for each image. Here i used the masking technique and than used colour correction and other different effects for each individual image. I wanted to play around with colour, basically i played around and experimented with the different effects under the colour correction tool.

The outcome for these are seen on the top page- they were just some of my experiments that i played around with. The reason why i wanted to use multiple images of the same girl was because i liked the styles many artists have used for their music video clips.

Music artists
Such as Kanye West his song: "Welcome to heartbreak ft Kid Cudi." Here you see multiple images of Kanye West himself.

(if watching from youtube - watch from timeframe: 0:57 - 1:00 )
here shows an example of what i was referring to, here you see multiple images of his face being incorporated into this music clip and again this is seen during this timeframe: (3:09 - 3:16)

...and bands such as Gorillaz- video clip from their song "Tomorrow Comes today". (watch from youtube link)
These few music artists were my influences and inspired me to slightly change this week's tutorial task and make it alittle bit abstract and similar style to their works.

Monday, September 13, 2010

Week 2 - Temporal and Spartial Montage: Buildings

Untitled from T Wu on Vimeo.

Temporal and Spartial Montage - Buildings

Week 2 task required students to construct a Spatial montaage from supplied materials given to students and than placed them into the desert landscape.

Photoshop and After Effect were 2 programs used for this weekly task. To give basic introduction to Photoshop and After Effect, dealing with concepts like the following.
- Transforms
- Selections
- Masking
- Layering and other methods and techniques. Colour correction and shadows were also experimented during this weeks task.
Images were supplied
- 5 supplied images, 4 buildings from different places and 1 background image to place all the buildings to.

Personally i found this week's task challenging, as it was hard to keep up with the class as i had to get my hand around how to use after effect, i found that if i kept at my own pace i was able to catch up to the workload and felt more relaxed allowing myself time to do complete this week's task. The Camera Shots done through After Effect Cs4 was something really different and i found it quite easy to place the camera view onto After effect and made my little film more interesting. Camera Views are something i would consider using for any creative personal projects i have.

Youtube search group called "3D flythrough for property developers"- Amazing camera view and camera work advertising properties
and Youtube search group called " Yung Design Group Demo Reel 2006"
both these groups have some amazing work done especially the camera view, i personally believe anyways! but check them out.

Week 5 - Duck and Cover Audio

Untitled from Ya-ting Wu on Vimeo.

KINETIC TYPOGRAPHY: Duck and Cover Audio.

Week 5 task consists of the following -
- Using Audio in After Effect.
- Text Presets
- 3D cameras

This Week's task was to create an Audio Clip in regards to Duck and Cover- protection when in danger. The Audio clip was supplied to students and than asked to include exact text from the audio clip.
I decided to use Words and some imagery for my animation sequence.
The text is in in Red - which symbolises danger, blood and alert. The text appears to be creepy and scary in the audio just to get the point across that danger is no joking matter and to take serious issues like this, seriously.
More amount of time was spent on this weeks task, although the criteria didnt include imagery i wanted to place images in my after effect audio file to make it interesting and easier to follow rather than just having blank black background with just words following in time with the audio clip. I wanted to change some of the images slightly in my after effect clip, i wanted to make some of the images look more depressing in tune with some of the words heard from the audio. Although some of the images were already grayscale (black and white) i wanted to make it some of them to appear darker here i used the colour correction tool to change it.

Inspirations and links. - Although this Youtube link slightly different to this weeks task i wanted to get across that i thought it was well done the way the words went smoothly and at right pace with the music playing in the background.

Week 3 - Temporal & Spatial Montage

Temporal and Spatial Montage.

This weeks task was to construct a Temporal and Spatial Montage from images that was supplied to students. The images supplied were taken from different areas and places.

Untitled from T Wu on Vimeo.

This week's task required masking in After Effect to mask out the unwanted areas of an image.

than the 5 images were than placed into 1 background an environment, scenery background and combined together to create a small video animation, a small segment of people jumping up and down doing crazy things from behind this wall.

Key Concepts
- Masking - using the Bezier Handles, multiple masks by subtracting and mask feather to make the masks appear more realistic and blend better when placed into the environment background.

Personally i found that if this was a personal project i would have chosen different images of people jumping poses. As i found it hard to animate something 99% realistic especially with 2 of the images given, as the angle of the pose made it hard to rotate and animate so it actually looks like a flowing movement. It made my animation work look more 2D like rather than 3D human like.
Personal Beliefs
I found that this week's task suits people who want to do a small 30sec or 1 minute advertisements for their label or brand, it allows those who have no skills in after effect to create something within an hour and produce a small animation video to present for their pitch or presetation speech.

Week 4- Mad Mack

Mad Mack Advertisment. from T Wu on Vimeo.

Mad Mack tutorial

This week's excercise was to create an Advertisment for Mad Mack, selling Toasters, Hair Dyers and Blenders.

I decided to use these 3 images i found online - this task proved to be more difficult as it was harder to find images for these 3 common everyday use utensils.

Mad Mack's 20sec advertisment.
Final outcome was to keep it simple and use 3 main colours
- Red
- Purple
and White.

i kept it these three colours in co-ordination with Mad mack's logo.
At the beginning of the advertisment i went for crazyness and slightly fast animation to show emphasis this. Simple bright red text was use against a black background this allows the viewer to read the text much easily rather than squinting to try read what the words say.

- Crazy Clark Advertisements
i decided to follow Crazy Clarks Ad's and use similar styles for Mad Mack but keeping it original and simplisitic.

Animation Motion - Week 6

Week 6 tutorial Graffiti artwork.

This week tutorial task
- find Creative Commons images
- Use After Effect and colour Correct the images
using - Curves to alter and change the shades of grey creating a stencil effect
and Multiply blend mode

The 4 images i selected consisted of
1. Old wise man
2. flower stencil- Original Colour bright red
3. Rat Photographer
4. Asian Boy with glasses
5. Zebra

I wanted to play around and develop my skills in CS4 after effect.
I decided that i didnt just want to use words, graffiti artworks or just human figures i wanted to play around and use different elements.

...I decided not to use the whole image but to crop and cut-out the lady and just use the old guy for my animation piece.

Again i decided to crop parts of this image out and only use certain areas. The image appears to be some sort of advertisment for the brand " The Rent Shop", i decided to remove the whole image and keep the boy this was done by masking on After effect (exact as the old guy image)

The original colour for the flower stencil was actually bright red, i wanted to use this image but change it to greyscale- black and white. I removed the colour by using the colour correction effect on after effect and than using Curves and other effects to change to make it appear greyscale.

I found this image also on flicker and found it really interesting and different.
I like the way the rat was morphed into this human body and thought it would be interesting to use as an image for the wall. Here is the original image and i just masked out certain areas of the image and subtracted certain parts of the images.

final outcome

Inspirations & Personal likes.

i found this youtube link really interesting and in a way corrosponds with this weeks weekly task.

The drawing appearing from the wall could easily be animated by doing similar methods as what i have done with my animation piece.
Masking, feathering and greyscaling an image using different effects on After Effect.

This link -

Would still have to be one of my many favourite animations that i watch over and over again. Again similar effects could be used in this animation piece, with masking and Motion tracker and other types of effects available in after effect.
Personally this was my favourite activity.
The ability to be able to place photographs onto photographs and make them appear graffiti like is amazing and something i would consider using for my final assignment.