Thursday, October 21, 2010

Assessment 3 KIB105

Animation Motion Assessment 3.

This is my final assignment for KIB105 Animation & motion graphics

With this assignment i wanted to keep it simple and basic, this is because of the monologue that was chosen. The monologue found from ccMixter website "Valleys, Mountains is a slow audio clip therefore i thought it would be best for me to keep my 1/2minute after effect file simle and plain to suit the words in the audio clip.

The after effect techniques and effects used consists of
- Masking
- Text/wording
- different Camera Angles
- Magnify zooming in on some images
- Page flips to go from one image to another
- Effects on the words to make them stand out and making it visually appearing more so than a plain text (example - timeframe 00:26 "would he rode the well warm rocks" and others.
and other techniques

With the images in my after effect files, i decided instead of just finding all creative commons free images, i would go out and take these photos myself majority of the images in the after effect file is my own, with a few exceptions from friends and flicker images. I thought it would be best to get good quality images and use them for this monologue and because the monologue is simple and plain it would be a fantastic opportunity to use a wide range of images and allows the audience to focus on something while listening to it. Because the lyrics/words in the clip were focused on nature i thought it would be a good idea to grab some nature images/photographs.

Abit like the " Nature Music butterfly fly free Youtube.
Their Clip is similar to my work but not exactly the same, as i created my how i wanted my to look aesthetically. It was by chance that i stumbled acrossed this youtube link as i was about to finish my own monologue clip, i was on youtube searching through other things and came across their clip and played it and realised that abit of my clip has the similar style to their work.
Overall look at my final assignment.

KIB105 Assessement 3 - Monologue clip from Ya-ting Wu on Vimeo.